Photo by Paolo Nicolello on Unsplash
By Federica Lupis, https://www.federicalupis.com/
Author of "Fluent On The First Try" and "Why You're Not Fluent and How To Fix It"
Language trainer, interpreter and translator.
One of the most common questions I get when talking to someone who wants to learn a language is about the choice between teaching themselves or hiring a teacher.
For some learners, the answer is straightforward and comes down to preference. For others, it may require some thought.
Let’s see what factors you should consider before making a decision.
Are you an active or passive learner?
Think about the last time you learned something. It could be a recipe, changing your car’s oil or playing an instrument. Did you learn on your own or did someone teach you?
Learning a language cannot be compared to any of these activities. However, your past behaviour can be a good indication of which learning style you may enjoy the most.
When learning a language:
Active learners take care of the whole learning process. They find their learning resources, decide on the best learning strategies, and usually have a clear plan to achieve the result they want.
Passive learners are committed to learning a language but prefer not to take care of the learning material and strategies and enjoy having the guidance of a teacher.
Personally, I started out as a student and it took years of experience as a teacher before I decided to teach myself Japanese. However, many people out there have successfully learned a foreign language on their own without any previous experience.
I think the choice comes down to two factors: your discipline and how much time you have on your hands. Simply put: can you see yourself researching different learning material, coming up with a plan and sticking to it without the help of a teacher?
If you’re still not sure what to do, it might be worth trying both strategies. You may find that a teacher makes your life easier or that your will is so strong that you could teach yourself more than one language!
Good luck with your studies and thanks for reading!
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